Student ID Temporary Delay

Bus Boss X Richmond Community Schools Banner






The Three Ps are Important!  Why Keep Your Contact Information Current? 

PowerSchool, Parent Square, and our new transportation application ParentPatrol use email as the primary communication point of contact.  Phone numbers are used by all systems in the event of any emergency, school delay or closure, and any time a staff member needs to speak to a parent or guardian.  Please update your information today if you have made any changes.  Contact your student’s school or our PowerSchool Help Desk at (765)973-4918.


What if I get an Invalid Email Message when setting up ParentPatrol?

Parents of students who utilize our school bus transportation service will use the email address registered for their parent portal in PowerSchool.  This address is most often used during the annual registration process.  The application recognizes the primary and secondary point of contact email addresses only. As an additional safety feature, if other family members would like to utilize this application, the primary contact must share their login credentials with that member.  RCS will not share primary or secondary contact information with additional family members.  Please contact our PowerSchool Help Desk at (765)973-4918 if you are receiving errors regarding your email address when setting up the ParentPatrol application.  Please note: if your student does not utilize transportation and does not have an assigned route, information will not be available in Parent Patrol.

*When creating your Parent Patrol login, if you are asked for anything more than an email address, you are not using the correct application.**

How will ID cards be used?

Students will log into and out of buses each day.  Parents will be able to follow their students along their route during morning and afternoon routine bus routes.  Students will also utilize id cards to move more quickly through breakfast and lunch lines in our cafeterias.  

What if my student loses their card? 

Keeping the student’s id card secure is important.  If a student misplaces their card, a replacement will be provided.  There may be a small fee for replacement cards.  Please support your students by encouraging them with reminders to wear their lanyard each day.


Bus Boss Parent Patrol